Membership is the essence of community and fellowship at Grace Resurrection. By being a member, you are actively involved in and supporting the church’s life and mission. Contact the church office for information on how to become a member.
Women of Grace
A gathering of women whose purpose is to know God better, gather in fellowship, and participate in community and global ministries.
Women of Grace meet quarterly for a light dinner and a message from a guest speaker. Guests are always welcome to attend.
Men's Group
The Men's Group gathers every other month on the third Wednesday for a light meal at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Often, a guest speaker is invited to share an inspiring personal story or important information relevant to our Church or community. Those who attend are uplifted by the message and the fellowship shared among brothers in Christ.
Small Groups
Participating in a small group at GRMC can be a great way to socialize, meet new friends, expand your faith, and walk through life with other like-minded individuals. No matter your station in life, the Small Group is for everyone.
Fill out our form for more information about leading or joining a small group.