I’ve always felt a strange closeness to Moses. Like the Prince of Egypt, we often don’t believe we are equipped for what God is calling us to do. And you know what? Maybe we aren’t. But when we say yes, God will equip us.
We must approach the throne of God in our bare feet, just as Moses did—humbled, vulnerable, and ready—knowing He will lift us up and move us to action. Answering God’s call sometimes means coming to Him with absolutely nothing but a willingness to be used.
But here’s the truth: we often want to keep our shoes on. We see the fire. We see what God could do… but we’re afraid. We’d rather stomp out the fire in that bush than face it. The problem is, the more we try to stomp out God’s fire, the bigger it gets!
That’s how the God of holy ground works.
God said to Moses:
“I have heard the cry of your neighbors. Their jobs are killing them. Their families are in crisis. Sickness is attacking their bodies. They are held captive—slaves to hard taskmasters. They feel like failures in their marriages. They feel they have failed as parents. They are slaves to their problems, and I have come to rescue them… but I need your help.”
Then God said:
“I’m calling you, Moses. I need you to go and bring them back to this holy ground—this Promised Land.”
I can’t fully explain it, but I believe Grace Resurrection is holy ground. God made me take off my shoes and walk through a few fires to get here.
And now I hear Him calling you.
The people are out there. They need hope. They need rescue. And God is ready to move—but He needs us. Like Moses, we might say, “But what about this, Lord? I can’t do this, Lord!” We make excuses. We resist.
But God is saying to us:
“Just tell them what I have already done for you. Tell them that I AM who I AM.”
Can you hear the call?
More importantly, will you heed the call?
Thousands of years ago, God said to Moses:
“This is the name I will be remembered by for generations.”
Here we are now, standing on the brink of 2025, and He is still calling us to introduce others to this holy ground.
I’m ready. I won’t stomp out the fire again. Instead, I’m going to walk toward it—barefoot and humble—trusting God to do the rest.
Will you join me?
~Rev. James Williams